Wednesday, June 21, 2006

donovan mp3s disappear

The yarn I ordered back in May arrived while I was working. Thankfully blue delivered it to me when he came to visit. Not that I have used any of it yet, but it is so nice to play with recently acquired yarn. Last night I pulled out the swift and baller and got it all ready to go. I am thinking of taking some of it with me back to Sconnie to work with. The little cream colored ball is Blue Sky Alpacas organic cotton and on the left is a cute scarf my mom sent me for my birthday.

I have been busy this week, but not with knitting. I have a baby penguin just waiting to be sewn up, but there are so many little pieces that I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I completed the adult penguin over a week ago and discovered that a (prefelted) felted coaster works wonderfully as a sombrero for all of my little critters. I have been placing all of these friends on blue's lap while he watches tv - I know he appreciates it.

Last weekend I went to a local folk festival in the nearby
'lost village' of Newry. The Drovers Old Time Medicine Show played bluegrass as we ate boiled peanuts, enjoyed our fresh squeezed lemonade, and wandered around the old mill (aka lawsuit waiting to happen). Megan took some pics with her new camera.

If yahoo ever gets up and running today I can attempt to finish scheduling my precious time back home. Otherwise I have a trillion things to do here before I take off - isn't that always how it goes with traveling? And the stress of leaving something behind that you will 'need' especially when it comes to knitting stuff. Sighhhhh.

1 comment:

maepress said...

I like your penguin! And your stripey thing.
the pictures of Newry look... well, like Newry.
hope you're having fun in WI